Out of Body
Winner of the 2022 Fourth Genre Multimedia Essay Prize
Here’s what our judge, Wayne Koestenbaum, had to say about this year’s winning essay:
“In delicate and textured drawings and text fragments, “Out-of-Body” beautifully captures the feelings of absence associated with depersonalization; whether or not we, the readers, have ourselves experienced the furthest reaches of out-of-body sensation, we have all, as readers of Emily Dickinson and Samuel Beckett and other travelers into the lands of absence, felt the chill of non-being descend upon us, and we can thus recognize (and in a sense revere) the phenomenon. “Out-of-Body,” a text/image amalgam, renders these moods and departures as spooky and fabular; the images, like the cartoons of Roz Chast, give anomie and distress a sweetly off-kilter charm.”

Madeline Haze Curtis
Madeline Haze Curtis’ writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Bellevue Literary Review, Copper Nickel, and West Branch. She is pursuing an MFA in fiction at the University of Wisconsin–Madison

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